Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Letter to YB: stupid reasoning & blind loyalty
Monday, 23 November 2009
Driving & Accident : Driver & Government
Monday, 9 November 2009
in the name of development.....
However, it is worth noting here that while the population consume the energy of the earth, new technologies were produced every day to minimise the effect of these 'life saving apparatus' towards the environment. Thus, the buzz word of green technology or the environmental friendly technology has become a daily vocub in the society. It seems a necessary nowadays that every products offered to the population/consumer should be labelled 'environmental friendly product' it is akin to the label of 'halal' product to the muslim. So, my point here is that there is and there will always be a way of creating and producing something for the human being which will bring minimal if not zero effect to the environment. And, to make it more interesting, it was proven!
Now, back to the real issue..today it was reported in a local newspaper (Daily Express) that in order to overcome the shortage of power supply in Sabah the people of Sabah did not have choice but to accept that a coal-fired power plant that has been rejected before will now proceed. And, this solution was coming out from our very own prime minister who promised that 'people will be his first priority'. Well, it is indeed very true that if people want uniterrupted power supply then people need to accept coal-fired power plant is the only answer. If this reason were given out in the 60s,70s or 80s then we will not have problem with it. Ironically, the same reason was again used in this so called 21st century where all the alternatives, environmental friendly technologies is available.
why resort to the short term measure and ignoring the long term effect of this solution. Am sure our very own PM know and well aware about this but WHY he still to choose the short term measure? I've been attending countless leadership courses and seminars and all these courses and seminars emphasising that it is very important for a very good leader to think of long term effect rather than short term gain. In this case, it is very clear that our leader choose short term solution over long term negative effect. So you decide.
The hydro-power of Bakun in nearby state of Sarawak was said to have the capacity to generate more than enough power supply to the whole country. And, yet when a suggestion was put forward to the government that Sabah should be connected with this vast power supply it was rejected citing the reason of very high cost. You see, again the short term measured were used rather than the long-term effect.
Am so saddened and feel sorry for all my fellow sabahan who fought hard not to have the coal-fired power plant in order to give the future malaysian sabahan better environment to live on. It seems that your fight and struggle for the environment worth nothing in the name of development and in the name of power.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Nah this is what you would think crazy. Yup I do feel very crazy but I think and I am very sure that I am crazy for the future of my country. I feel crazy with this mixed feelings because I love my country very much. And, my crazy and love for my country were spoiled by the existence of this very ugly pig-like nose alien creature that proudly call himself a human being. Ok..stop all these cursing and rants towards this very un-civilised, un-patriotic, close minded creature, lets go straight to the cause of my crazinees feeling in this summer weather of autumn. You see, I just cant stop cursing this pig-like nose alien creature.
You need to read a news article from The Star titled REDUCE FEDERAL AID TO PAKATAN STATE GOVTS, GO STRAIGHT TO THE RAKYAT. This article is the main caused for my crazy feeling in this hot summer weather of autumn.:) Okay, that guy have his point in his argument. I dont and I wouldnt condemn him because he has the right to express his view and at the same time I would expect that he wouldnt condemn me for expressing my view.
As a Malaysian Sabahan I have felt the suffering from this very uncivilised practice of politics. Sabah was once under the administration of opposition party and because of that the federal government reduce the annual aid to Sabah. It was the Sabahan who suffered because of this stone age practice of politics. And, after the rakyat have given their signal to the party which this guy belongs to in the recent general election and with all the nicely worded oratory by the leadership of this very party to change and listen to the rakyat this very guy choose to revert to the old style of politics. When will they change?
Why they just cant understand that the federal government wealth or money is contributed by the states that makes the federal and in turn it was the responsibility of the federal government to distribute this money back to the states which in turn will be channelled to the rakyat regardless of political background. Have they ever found a clause in federal constitution that only the states that govern by the party who form the federal government would be given the federal aid, while the states which govern by opposition party need to find their own money. I dont think so.
I need to stressed here that am not the supporters of opposition party nor I am the fans of the party that are given the responsibility to govern the country. I am writing this because I love my country which will be the place for my kids to grown up and I wanted my kids to grown up in a lovely country govern by a more civilised, gentleman/women politician.
For that very guy please change your mindset and please accept my appology for calling you with all those un-pleasant word or perhaps you may deserved it for ruining my excitement in enjoying the hot summer weather of autumn. thanks.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Ramadhan, Bazar Ramadhan and ...
well, most of us already know the 'hikmah' behind ramadhan. Physically it help us to improve our health, spiritually ramadhan teach us to become more closer to GOD. Am sure you are much better than me to explain all the surah/hadith about ramadhan hence am not going to discuss about that.
Ramadhan-Bazar Ramadhan.
Am not sure about another place around the world, but in Malaysia Bazar Ramadhan is a must. A ramadhan without Bazar Ramadhan is like eating ketupat pulut without rendang tok. From one perspective Bazar Ramadhan bring lots of benefits. Bazar Ramadhan provide a place for the part-time entreperneur to earn extra income (much much better rather than begging on the street), bazar ramadhan is very handful for the 'overworked private/public worker', it provide an alternatives to get something to eat during iftar without having to cook at home after working the whole day.
However, there are also some negative elements about Bazar ramadhan. First, I remember my ustaz told me that fasting teach us to feel the hardship faced by the poor. But, here in Bazar Ramadhan we tend to spent lots of money buying lots of food due to our weaknesses in controlling our 'nafsu makan'. Even myself also would not be able to resist the temptation of ayam percik, air bandung soya ais, bihun goreng etc etc, in average I used to spent RM10 on each visit to Bazar Ramadhan which eventually most of the food were thrown in the bins afterward. What a waste. So there you are..., we torture ourself of not eating and drinking the whole day, we really behave during ramadhan, we control our anger, we did not swear during ramadhan..in brief we did all the noble act during ramadhan, but all these 'heaven reward' acts easily dissappear when we visit Bazar Ramadhan. Am not saying that you shouldn't visit and buy food from Bazar Ramadhan, but then this are the most likely consequences you will get from visiting Bazar Ramadhan. Moreover when we talk about the very unreasonable price of food let alone the terrible taste of the food which we will certainly swear the seller of his/her terrible food. Gone are the pahala puasa!
Here in Scotland there are no Bazar Ramadhan, well I do miss the Bazar Ramadhan back home. However, I think without Bazar Ramadhan we will be able to avoid all the above negative elements of bazar ramadhan. Am not saying that my fasting here is much better than fasting in Malaysia but at least I do have the chances of reflecting what a waste fasting the whole day getting all the pahala which later on we turn it into bala after a short visit to bazar ramadhan. Salam.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Naik Gaji during recession.
Monday, 6 April 2009
Malaysian Muslim are I***t
wow! what a word to choose from to be a topic for this entry. Before you get angry and upset let me tell you something. Am also from Malaysia and i am also a MUSLIM!. So? Why did a Malaysian Muslim like me saying that kind of word? well, you have the right to feel angry, upset and maybe disappointed with me so much I have the rights to feel angry, upset and disappointed for the following events;
events no 1. orientation week (ragging week)? for new first year student.
Events no.5 a story of political campaign in the tri-election
well, let me put it straight and clear. I DID NOT TAKE SIDE IN ANY OF THE POLITICAL PARTY. I SHOULD DECLARE MY SELF AS APOLITICAL. But, there is this some very special moment that attract my attention. Few individual and NGO's have been reported in a newspaper saying that they have make a police report about another politician (chinese, non-muslim) was humiliating Islam by quoting verse from the Quran in his speech. They claimed that this chinese, non-muslim politician make fun of the verse or 'mencemar kesucian quran'? what ever the reasons was is not of my interest.
What I wanted to stress here is that, is it wrong for a non-Muslim referring to the quran to substantiate his argument? Well, for some reason there could be some sort of mis-interpretation. But, wouldn't it be the duty of the Muslim to help and clarify things if there are any miss-interpretation? Doesn't this serve as a good da'wah? Why resort to legal action (police report) when the chances of doing 'da'wah' was open up wide?
Does Islam exclusive to Malay only, hence I have to change my name to a Malay name? Do I have to cut all my relationship to my late father by not putting in the family name into my daughters' name? I don't think Islam is that 'cruel'. Islam is a religion to all, that was what the ustaz told me. But, why here in Malaysia, all those things still exist. Am sure I am not the only one who experience all the above events.
So, my last questions, do you still fell upset, angry and disappointed with my decision to say that 'Malaysian Muslim are Idiot' or perhaps I should say it like this 'Malaysian (some of them) are Idiot'.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
A DeJa Vu weekeNd
And, now after 7 years, here I am, coming back doing the same thing-window shopping. The shops are still the same, Mark and Spencer, Dabenhams, Primak, Tie Rack, JJB, still there. The only exception is there is no more Dixon.